How To Get A Man To Chase You: 10 Easy Tips


How to get a guy to chase you:  It’s easier than you think to get a man to chase you. You must be self-assured and live a fulfilled life. 

When I was younger, I often experienced rejection from men who were not interested in me. It was disheartening to start flirting with someone new, only for the relationship to fall apart after a month.

Despite my gentle and compassionate attitude, I had difficulty finding men interested in me. After years of feeling alone and hoping for someone to arrive, I finally learned what makes a man want to chase me. 

Today, I will reveal two crucial lessons I learned that will help you make any guy you like chase after you.

In this article, “How to Get a Guy to Chase You, ” I’ll give you the tools you need to entice any man to pursue you. So, let’s get this party started.

20 Male Psychology Tricks To Get A Guy To Chase You

1. Confidence is the key

Confidence is attractive to men, and it is something they admire in women. Why not embrace who you are if you are confident in who you are?
A man will be intrigued if he sees you as someone who knows what you want from life and how to get it. When you combine it with the mindset that you don’t need his approval, he’ll be anxious to catch up with you.

Confidence also entails knowing your worth as a woman and accepting that you deserve someone extraordinary who recognizes and respects your beautiful characteristics. Only settle for something extraordinary since life is too short to do so.

Related : How to Make Him Chase You

2. Men like women who know what they want

As mentioned , men like women who know what they want and go after it. Men are hunters; they will hunt whatever they are attracted to. So go after what you want if you want him to chase you!

If there’s something that turns your man on, get it. The key here is confidence: if you act like something is out of your league, then men will think it is out of their league and won’t bother chasing you!

3. Be direct but subtle

There’s a fine line between chasing and not chasing. If he doesn’t feel like you want him, then he has no reason to pursue you. Be direct and upfront about your feelings, but don’t be pushy or desperate.

Subtlety is your friend here; if he senses that what you want is for him to take charge, there will be little incentive for him to do so.

Lead by example and entice him by being confident and having fun. Even if he does approach, it’s best not to come on too strong – back off just before things get uncomfortable for both of you.

4. Show that your body language matches your words

If you want a guy to pursue you, pay attention to your body language and how it aligns with his. When a man enters a room, he seeks out indications that women are attracted to him. Thus, your body language will indicate whether or not he has a chance with you. If you send mixed signals, he may turn his attention to another woman, showing more evident signs of interest.
The more evident it is that you like him and want him around, the more he will chase after every other move you make.

5. Tease him a little, but in a good way

We all know how bad it is when we don’t feel appreciated. For some women, appreciation can be one of their biggest needs in a relationship.

On top of that, guys have been socialized from birth to provide for and protect their female partners, so part of them feels like they failed if they aren’t adored by women.

The important thing to remember here is that are constantly seeking validation from women; rather, they are seeking love and acceptance.

When teasing your guy or making him chase you, focus on drawing out his innate desire for protection.

Your playful attitude will show him that he has already provided for you just by being with him, which will help feed his need for reciprocation.

6. Have fun, but don’t put all your cards on the table

When it comes to romance, we tend to make things more complicated than they need to be. The advice that women play hard to get when dealing with men isn’t totally misguided—after all, it’s impossible for a man to fall in love with someone who isn’t interested in him.

But being unattainable isn’t quite as easy as it seems—especially if you want your pursuit tactics tested by your potential partner!

To make a guy want you, tease him with sex appeal and try something new occasionally. This will ensure he continues chasing after you until he finally gets what he wants.

7. Don’t play games: If he’s not interested, move on

When it comes to playing games, most men have just as little tolerance for them as women do.

If a man is interested in pursuing you, he’ll pursue you. If he’s not, move on. There’s no sense in wasting your time on someone who isn’t interested.

It will only make both of you miserable and make it harder for any future relationship that might come from the initial meeting (should one occur).

Don’t play games – if he’s not interested, he’s not interested. Move on and meet another person who might be!

8. Look and smell good


If you’re going on a date with him, he’ll probably notice how you look and smell before anything else. Wearing a pleasant-smelling cologne or perfume will make him think of you favorably for several weeks.

And, no matter what time of day or night it is, looking well-dressed will help you stay focused and make your interactions more enjoyable.

People can tell when others are rushing around trying to get ready, so taking care of yourself will automatically increase his respect for you.

Even if he isn’t particularly fashion-conscious, taking pride in your appearance is always worthwhile because it makes those first impressions last longer!

9. Be mysterious

Men are simple creatures and it’s easy to manipulate them by giving them what they want. Men want women who challenge them, inspire them, confuse them, frustrate and make them crazy.

If a man is always sure of where he stands with you and what your next move will be, he’ll get bored—that’s why many relationships start out fiery but then fizzle out into boredom once both partners have settled in their roles.

If you really want him chasing after you in an irresistible way, don’t let him know what his role is.

How to make a guy chase you using male psychology (More Tips)

11. Pay attention to him

The best way to make him chase you is by paying attention. Take interest in his stories, don’t be distracted when he asks for your number, and pay attention when he talks about things that are important to him.

Basically, if he was proud of something, try asking questions about it! Men love being able to show off even small accomplishments and feel like they can impress women with their brains or personalities. Instead of faking interest, so he’ll think you’re cool, focus on what actually interests him – it can be very flattering!

12. Use common sense with social media

Social media can be an excellent tool for flirting. Use it to your advantage! If you’re trying to figure out whether someone likes you, send him a quick message on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You could also post something with #twoo hashtag and see if they respond.

This is all about common sense, so don’t do anything that would be considered inappropriate in real life. Remember: people are watching you online! Don’t do anything that would embarrass yourself or your family.

Your goal is to get him interested in talking to you in person: This is why social media works so well—it allows you to communicate with people who are far away from you without having to worry about getting rejected in person.

A lot of people get too nervous when they meet someone new, which causes them to freeze up and forget what they were going to say next. Using social media as a buffer between yourself and potential love interests, it will help take some of that pressure off of meeting new people face-to-face right away.

13. Be happy

When we’re bored, or just not happy in our lives, it’s tempting to play hard-to-get. If it makes things more interesting, why not? But if you want someone to chase after you and fall in love with your personality first, try shifting into a playful mindset.

  • Laugh at yourself (and even tease him) when things don’t go your way.
  • Enjoy life while making sure that good times are shared together.
  • Having fun together and being comfortable with each other means falling in love doesn’t require chasing. Have fun getting there together!

14. Get fit now before he gets close to you

If he’s worth it, he’ll chase you. That’s true for everything in life, but we can’t always count on things falling our way. Getting fit will always benefit your health and happiness, but having a better body won’t do much for your dating life if you don’t put yourself out there first.

Sometimes it’s fun to play hard-to-get; other times, though, doing so just makes us look like jerks who care more about ourselves than we do about others. Now that’s not a very attractive quality in someone we’re trying to win over!

15. Impress him with new things

When it comes to getting someone to chase after you, always be open and ready for new experiences. If that means signing up for salsa lessons, go ahead. Or if taking up biking is your thing, sign up for a cycling class.

The more impressed he is with what you can do and enjoy, the easier it will be for him to chase after you—and stick around when he does catch up with you.

It’s always more attractive when someone has interesting things going on in their life, so don’t be afraid of showing off what makes you unique and fascinating! After all, that will help him see why he should chase after you.

And if it doesn’t work out with him? There are plenty of other guys out there who will chase after you for fun .

16. Text him first sometimes

if you want him to see how interested you are in getting his attention, text him sometimes—like after work. Getting him curious about what you’re up to during these off-hours makes it clear that he can never be sure of when and where he’ll hear from you.

If he texts back right away, don’t respond until later. This will let him know that while he may be in contact with you when he chooses (when it’s convenient for him), there are other times when he won’t hear from you at all.

17. Show up at random places unexpectedly

If you want someone to fall in love with you, then it’s essential that they don’t think they’re in control of where things are going. Even if that means showing up at random places unexpectedly, like when he least expects it. If he’s constantly thinking about where and when he’ll see you next, then he’ll know that you have his heart in your hands (and vice versa). It may sound unorthodox, but trust us—it really works!

18. Don’t have sex with him too soon

When it comes to keeping a man hooked, don’t sleep with him too quickly, says Andrea Syrtash, author of Cheat On Your Husband (With Your Husband).

She calls sleeping with him too soon the biggest dating mistake women make. But don’t wait forever, either. If he’s really into you and won’t give up, waiting can send mixed signals. Make your intentions clear, so you don’t run the risk of wasting time on someone who isn’t serious about dating you.

Sex shouldn’t be your way of testing his level of interest; that’s an obvious clue that sex is what YOU want and not what he wants.

19. Dress for your body type and personal style

While it’s easy to be frustrated with your body, it’s important not to let that stop you from taking advantage of your assets and putting yourself out there.

If you feel good about how you look, that confidence will show in everything from how open you are about talking to others and sending flirtatious signals to how well-dressed for success you are at work.

But by dressing for yourself rather than worrying what men think, your style can set off an attraction cascade that gets more guys checking you out. It doesn’t matter if they like what they see; as long as they’re looking, right?

20. Don’t take advantage of him

If he’s always the one to make the first move, it’s only fair that you do the same. Make the first call and set up a date, but don’t be overbearing or needy about it.

If he appears aloof, let him know that you understand if he needs space, but that you’d appreciate it if he reached out. Just don’t ask if there’s a problem. If he does not respond, he will feel as if something is wrong with him (which will happen with even great guys from time to time).

Show him that you’re willing to play a role in ensuring that things work out between you two, rather than putting pressure on him. That way, if things go wrong, at least both of you are protected.

Frequently asked questions

Do men like the chase

It is often said that men enjoy the thrill of the chase and dislike being ignored.
Assume you’re at a party and exhibit intriguing body language. In that instance, a man may be more likely to pursue you if you are the type of person he is looking for. By approaching you, he may experience a sense of dominance.

How to get an emotionally unavailable man to chase you

If your man is emotionally unavailable, meaning he’s keeping his distance in order to protect himself from future hurt, that may mean putting in more effort than a normal relationship.

If he falls into one of these categories, know that it’s absolutely possible for him to fall in love with you and open up emotionally. You just have to be patient and give him time.

Don’t play games. He might not realize it, but if you play games by being distant or flirty with other men when he’s around, he will feel threatened and get even further away from you.

Be yourself so that he doesn’t feel like there’s any competition for your attention! Flirt with him, compliment him, and be available for him.

Be patient. If he’s been through something traumatic or has had bad relationships in the past, don’t expect him to immediately start telling you all about his feelings or wanting to spend every waking moment together.

Don’t push too hard and Give him space and let him come to terms with how much better things are now before expecting too much out of him right away!

How long will a guy chase you?

There is no set time for a guy to pursue you; you never know how long his emotions will be invested in you.

However, if he’s been chasing you for more than three months and still hasn’t gotten what he wants from you, it’s safe to say that it’s over.

Men want women who are easy and quick – something they can get within a few weeks of pursuing them.

If you play hard-to-get and drag out your dating game with him, chances are that he won’t stick around because there are plenty of other girls who would love to give him what he wants right away.

When it comes down to it, men want sex – plain and simple – so don’t make him wait too long before giving in!

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