20+ Cute Things To Do With Your Boyfriend At Home


What are some cute things to do with your boyfriend at home? Home is where you go to get away from the stress of the outside world, but it can also be where you go to relax with your partner, if you make it that way.

If you’re looking for some cute things to do with your boyfriend at home, then this article will definitely come in handy! We’ve compiled 15 of the best romantic and cute things to do with your boyfriend at home that are inexpensive and super easy to plan. You can do these things anytime — even if you only have an hour or two between now and the next time you see him.

Cute Things To Do With Your Boyfriend At Home

1) Sing Karaoke in front of your mirror

When was the last time you were really silly?
Like really, really silly? While some of us love to stay home on a Friday night, you might be surprised at how great it feels to do something spontaneous.

Next time your boyfriend is over, go into your room and get all of your best karaoke songs together. If you want to up your game, even more, ask him if he has any hilarious outfits that you can wear for singing in front of a mirror together!

Karaoke nights are always entertaining and memorable, so why not give it a try with someone special in your life? Plus, we both know how good these lyrics will make him look!

He’ll be thrilled to be able to sing his favorite song while staring at you in whatever outfit he chooses. And if you have a large mirror, even better!

Related: Romantic Things to Do For Your Husband

2) Have fun walking around like a model (with or without any clothes on)

It may be tempting to wear your sexiest lingerie, but that can feel a little too formal and awkward.

To have a romantic time at home, wear something you feel comfortable in and put on a great song.

Take turns walking around like a model for each other as if you were walking down a runway. Watch each other walk back and forth, swaying seductively with your arms open wide—it’s cute!

3) Watch The Same TV Show Together

Cute things to do with your boyfriend at home are simple, Watching TV together helps deepen your bond and create memorable shared experiences.

Try watching a show that has characters you have similar personality traits to—it’ll allow you to relate on a deeper level with each other.

For example, if one of you is fiercely competitive, try The Voice or Dancing with The Stars; if one of you is very social and one of you is introverted, try watching Big Brother or Survivor.

4) clean your house together

Doing your boyfriend’s share of cleaning around your house can be a great way to show him you appreciate his help around the house. If you want to do something special for your man, clean the house together.

That will make him feel more involved and even make it easier for both of you. When you clear out his closet or wash dirty clothes together, it’s a sign that he’s part of your life.

A little extra effort goes a long way when it comes to being thoughtful and showing someone how much they mean to you.

After all, good relationships are built on teamwork — something many couples forget about once they’re comfortable in their relationship.

5) Play Games Together

Cute Things To Do With Your Boyfriend At Home

Playing games together is an easy and fun way to get close. Choose your favorites—board games, word games, and video games are all good choices.

If you don’t have time for a game that requires complex instructions or setup, try playing some Pictionary or charades instead. Not only do these activities require little time and equipment, but they also let you tease each other (just make sure not to go too far!)

6) Eat Together

The next time you and your sweetheart are in a food rut, try cooking up something new.

A few years ago, a study in Appetite found that when men cooked or shopped for groceries together with their wives, they were likelier to eat meals together and use healthier ingredients.

Sharing an experience can create feelings of closeness—and it’s hard to feel cute if you’re arguing about who has to clean up afterward. If you want to avoid fights altogether, draw up a division of labor before beginning (you cook, he cleans). That way no one will be frustrated when things don’t go according to plan.

More Cute Things To Do With Your Boyfriend At Home For You

couples activities

7) Give each other massages

There’s no better feeling than a massage from your partner.

Whether you give each other massages regularly or like to mix things up, there are plenty of fun massages you can do with your boyfriend at home.

Try giving him a back message that ends in a foot rub; since many guys don’t often take care of their feet, it will feel perfect for him.

Or, give each other leg massages that transition into foot massages. If you’re not sure where to start, here are more cute things to do with your boyfriend

8) Make Your Own Podcast About Life as a Couple

Start a podcast and record your own take on how things are going with you and your man.

Take turns interviewing each other, discussing your likes and dislikes, what’s going on in each of your worlds, and anything that’s fun to talk about.

Podcasting is an inexpensive way to capture memories for later, as well as a good way to share them with friends who might not be able to make it out to see you in person.

Nothing says couple goals like two people making a podcast together. Even if you don’t end up turning it into something big (or broadcasting it at all), simply creating these sweet memories will help strengthen your bond over time.

9) Write Down All The Reasons Why You Love Him, Then Read It Out Loud to Him

The reason why so many of us are afraid to express our love and appreciation is because we might be rejected, or in other words, we’re not sure that they feel exactly how we do.

To get over that fear, write down all of your reasons why you love him and why he’s important to you. Then, when he’s least expecting it, pick a moment to look at him as you read your list aloud.

The expression on his face will tell you if he was expecting it or not. If so, then he loves hearing your thoughts about him too!

10) Create A Photo-Diary together

Try creating a photo diary together by taking pictures of different activities you can do at home (and not spend too much money).

For example, you could take a picture of something comical that happened while trying to cook dinner together or you could simply just document what each other like to eat every day.

If you have kids or other family members, include them in your photo diary as well. Some cute things to do with your boyfriend at home might even be capturing candid moments on camera that show how much he cares about everyone else in his life too!

11. Washing his car can be a fun activity to do at home with your boyfriend

If you are looking for cute things to do with your boyfriend at home, washing his car can be a fun activity to do.

Although it may seem like a chore for him, try to turn it into a good time. Washing his car outside can be less stressful since you’ll be able to move more quickly and enjoy the fresh air.

Check your water temperature before spraying on soap and use a cleaning product that will not damage his paint job. If you wash it inside, make sure that there is no mud or dirt getting tracked onto your flooring or carpeting.

After you are done with your task, take a break for an outdoor picnic by making some sandwiches with fresh ingredients and going on a short bike ride or walking around in your garden.

12. Make dinner together

Making dinner together can be enjoyable.
Cooking is fun, it gets you both in one place (not running around doing different things), and it gives you something to talk about while preparing dinner. It’s also a great way to get creative in the kitchen.

Most people want to make dinner special, and they go out for a nice dinner, but staying in and cooking together can be really fun too.

You both get to choose what you want to make (within reason) while still spending quality time together.

It’s also something you can do any night of the week. Talk about your day as you’re preparing dinner, or turn it into a game with some silly rules that only apply during dinner preparation. Just have fun with it! Come up with some interesting stories about your preparation. That could be another great conversation starter for dinner!

13. Organize a drawing contest for you two as well

There are tons of ways to encourage a little romance in your relationship, but sometimes it’s tough to come up with new ideas.

If you’ve been dating your partner for a while, why not help each other spice things up by drawing an idea of something romantic you’d like to do together? You can work on it together and either turn it into a painting or a collage.

14. Make your preferred cocktail

Homemade cocktails are a great way to impress guests, and they can also be a fun way to bond with your significant other.

If you’re lacking bartending skills, try out some of these simple homemade cocktail recipes: Rita Mojito, Caribbean Cocktail, or Mulled Wine.

And if you don’t have any cocktails on hand, but you do have wine, enjoy it. No matter which recipe you choose, a homemade cocktail is sure to increase intimacy at home between you and your significant other.

Just remember not to overdo it—one drink can send many people into a deep slumber; there’s nothing cute about sleeping through Valentine’s Day!

15. Try out different drinks

Whether it’s a cold cocktail or a caffeinated beverage, there are some drinks that can help ease your nerves and relax you.

What you drink, however, depends on what you want to achieve. If you just want to try something new without losing any of your regular energy levels, it’s probably best to avoid alcoholic beverages; instead, opt for something with caffeine (which has been proven to be good for your health).

That said, if there is nothing else that can improve your mood at work besides alcohol (or even if there is), feel free to have one—just make sure it’s no more than one!

16. Visit a city virtually

If you’re not able to visit your significant other in person, consider exploring a new city virtually using sites .

This can be both fun and an interesting way to see to explore the city, it’s an easy way to connect while also learning something new.

17. Look at your photos from your past

You can show your boyfriend pictures from your past to give him a deeper insight into who you are. This is especially good if you and your guy like to spend time together reminiscing about old times.

Being able to share with one another is important for any relationship, and most people find that they have things in common when they look at their photos together.

It doesn’t matter what photos you choose, as long as they allow you both to have a good time looking back on times gone by.

At-Home Activities That Are Way Sexier Than Going Out

18. If you drink alcohol, have a beer night in your bedroom in the evening

It’s a fun and intimate way to spend some quality time together while enjoying each other’s company. Think of it as foreplay!

However, in case you want to make it more romantic, decorate your bedroom with candles and rose petals beforehand. Be sure to play your favorite music on your phone or laptop while you two get cozy in bed. Before you know it, beer night will be your new favorite activity.

19. Do some physical exercises at home with your boyfriend

It’s amazing to do some physical exercises at home with your boyfriend, it can make your relationship better.

If you want to spend quality time with your boyfriend, why not do some simple workouts together?

If you are looking for something fun and light to get into shape, ask him to join you in a little mini-workout routine. Spend some romantic time together while keeping yourselves fit and healthy.

These activities will spice up your relationship and will also help you in staying active and healthy. Go through these exercises together and enjoy their benefits.

20. Take a warm bath with a boyfriend

After a long, stressful day, take a warm bath together. Grab your favorite bath bombs and candles and light them while you both lay in bed as you relax in your tubs.

This is something you can both enjoy, especially if you let him pick out what kind of bath bombs and candles to get.

Turn on music so that it plays through speakers in each room, or even put on some romantic music to set a mood!

21. Play an Adult Board Game

Adult board games are a ton of fun, and they’re great at spicing up your sex life. One caveat: Never buy one of those really raunchy ones, like 3D Naked Photo Shoot or Fun with Fuzzy Dice!

Instead, go for something classic like Scrabble or The Game of Life—the type that won’t make you feel weird. Then, turn off all other lights and get your board game on.

For example, when he gets a word in Scrabble, give him an extra letter tile to slide down your body (or you can slide it down his backside). And when someone draws a card that causes them to have a chance encounter with another player, grab another card and make out!

22. Take Selfies

This can also be a great way to get your boyfriend in on an at-home date—take pictures of you throughout. No one’s saying you should post them on Facebook, but there’s no harm in getting some cute pics for your own private collection!

If you really don’t want anyone seeing, just make sure to clear your camera roll afterward. As with all relationships (romantic or otherwise), communication is key—so make sure that while you’re having fun, you and your partner are also talking about what feels good (and what doesn’t).

Most important: go into it knowing that he’s not expecting it to be like porn. He’s just hoping to feel closer to you, so make him feel like a rock star!

23. Just bring out a deck of cards and play a few rounds of Solitaire!

Solitaire is a great way to spend quality time with your boyfriend and is among the best cute things to do with your boyfriend at home

If you’re stuck in a rut and can’t think of ways to spend quality time together, give Solitaire a try! The best part is that it’s very easy to learn.

Best of all, Solitaire can be played at any age or skill level, so if you don’t already know how to play, your boyfriend will have no problem teaching you. Whether he helps you win or not is entirely up to him. 😉 When you’re done playing Solitaire, try backgammon.

Backgammon is another classic board game that you and your boyfriend can enjoy together. Like Solitaire, it’s easy to learn – especially if you already know how to play cards. However, it’s a much more complex game than Solitaire, so there’s a lot of room for improvement with repeated plays.

24. Grab Some Ice Cream

According to research published in Appetite, eating a chilled confection — like ice cream — can trigger a positive emotional response.

The researchers hypothesize that cold treats activate our hunger hormones, including ghrelin and leptin (say: leh-TAAN), which make us feel warm and happy.

And you know what that means: You’ll be aroused! Studies have shown that people tend to eat more when they’re feeling down or stressed (think: comfort food).

So allow yourself an indulgence sometimes to help lift your spirits. To get more creative ways to spice up your relationship, check out our newest blog post, Romantic Things to Do For Your Husband

25. Get Cozy Under a Blanket Section

Take your relationship back to kindergarten with a good ol’ fashioned blanket fort. Before you know it, you’ll be saying things like Snuggle up! And Let me hold your hands while we sleep. If that doesn’t count as nookie points, I don’t know what does. And if you haven’t been cuddling lately? This is a great place to start again; pull that person in close and connect. Cute things to do with your boyfriend at home are simple, try to be creative

26. Take Pictures in a Mirror

Don’t have a camera? Grab your cell phone and set it on a timer. Stand in front of a mirror and take pictures of yourself.

The lights should be dimmed, but if they aren’t, you can use reflectors to bounce light back into your face. Have fun with it!

Don’t take pictures you wouldn’t want to send to friends and family, but try different angles and poses until you find one that you really like. You might find that taking selfies is just as fun as doing some of these other cute things to do with your boyfriend at home!

Also, if there are any cute outfits or accessories in your house, try putting them on for extra sexy shots!

Other Most Romantic Things to Do at Home With Your Partner

Having fun with your partner doesn’t always have to involve going out and spending money. Whether you prefer to keep your home life private or are just too busy during the week to go out, here are other 15 romantic things you can do at home with your partner that won’t break the bank or take up too much time from your busy schedules. If you’re at home anyway, you might as well get some romance in there! enjoy this list of cute things to do with your boyfriend at home

Cute things to do with your boyfriend at home (THE BEST SELECTION FOR YOU)

Create an at-home spa day

Set the mood by lighting some candles, playing some relaxing music, and dimming the lights. Then, take turns giving each other a massage. You can use scented lotions or oils for an extra special touch. After your massages, relax in a warm bath together. Add some soothing aromatherapy or bubbles to make it extra luxurious, and don’t forget the champagne! Some great scents are lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, ginger lily, and jasmine.

Afterward, curl up with your partner on the couch to watch a movie. End with a kiss goodnight!

Have an At-Home Dinner Party

Cooking for your partner is one of the most intimate things you can do. It shows that you care about their taste and enjoy preparing a meal just for them. Plus, it’s a great way to spend some quality time together in the kitchen. And if dinner goes well, then you can move on to dessert…

Throw an At-Home Barbecue

There’s no better way to enjoy summer than with a backyard barbecue. Invite your spouse and turn on the grill to spend some quality time together. You can even make a makeshift dance floor and have a little impromptu party!

Have a Photo Scavenger Hunt

This is a great way to spend an afternoon together and get to know your partner even better. Plus, it’s a lot of fun! Here’s how it works: each of you will need a camera and a list of things to take photos of. Take turns taking photos of the things on the list, and then see who can find the most creative shots.

Play board games together

Spending time with your partner doesn’t have to be complicated. You can have a lot of fun just playing some simple board games together. Not only will you get to know each other better, but you’ll also get some quality time together. Plus, it’s a great way to spend an evening if you’re not feeling too adventurous.

Host a game night for family and friends

Get everyone together for a night of fun and games! This is a great way to spend time with your loved ones and get to know them better. Plus, it’s a perfect opportunity to show off your amazing hosting skills!

Write poems about each other

1 . Write a poem about your partner’s eyes.

2. Write a poem about your partner’s smile.

3. Write a poem about your partner’s laugh.

4. Write a poem about your partner’s hair.

5. Write a poem about your partner’s hands.

6. Write a poem about your partner’s lips.

7. Write a poem about your partner’s love for you

Frequently Asked Questions :

What do couples do at home?

What do couples do at home?

It’s not only about sex in a relationship. It’s a time when you and your partner can enjoy each other’s company and do something fun together, so what are some cute things to do with your boyfriend at home :

  • Cook together: Create cute snacks or dinners together, and maybe even share some of your childhood stories while cooking. Who knows, you might even end up in one of those romantic movies!

  • Play games: Whether you like sports or board games, make sure that you play them often. The best part is that it doesn’t matter if you win or lose as long as both of you have fun playing together

Go on a date night every week: Even if your schedule is packed, try to make time for going out on dates every week. Get dressed up and go out for dinner or just take walks around town holding hands.

These are great ways to bond with your partner without spending too much money! – Have movie nights at home: If there’s nothing good on TV, make a habit of watching movies together at home instead of going out all the time.

How do I spoil my boyfriend in a long-distance relationship?

When you’re in a long-distance relationship, it can be really hard to find ways to spoil your partner. Maybe you can’t see them as often as you want, or maybe your lives are too busy to get away for even a weekend together.

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t things you can do to show your boyfriend how much he means to you! There are tons of great ideas out there – from making dinner for him and sending him a love letter, to surprising him with a set of sexy silk lingerie and planning a dirty role-play scenario.

If there is anything he loves more than seeing his girlfriend naked, it has got to be gifted!

What names can I call my boyfriend?

Try different names on for size and see what works best! Some boyfriends will be more than fine with a slew of pet names like honey, sweetie, or other monikers. Other guys may feel too old to be called anything but their actual name. When in doubt, ask your boyfriend what he likes to be called and act accordingly.

How do I spoil my boyfriend over text?

So how do you show him that you love him when it’s just not his cup of tea?

Text him: A lot of times my guy will ask me to message or call whenever I’m going to be late coming home (from somewhere). The reason I think that is kind of silly is that I’d like to think that whether he hears my voice on the phone or reads me sending a text, it shouldn’t matter all that much either way.

How do I spoil my boyfriend?

One of my favorite things to do with my boyfriend is to invite him over, make dinner for us, sit in front of a warm fire, and sip some wine.

Don’t get me wrong, going out to dinner is a lovely date idea. But staying home has its advantages too: you have more privacy and less time pressure (you can take your time cooking), and you can really get dressed up for it. All that’s missing is a candlelit bubble bath!

What can I do to make my boyfriend feel special?

Men like to be pampered. Guys want women to do something special for them that shows how much they care about them. You can make your boyfriend feel really good if you would just listen and not try to fix him.

Listen to what he has to say and show empathy for his feelings. Look into his eyes when he’s talking and when he looks at you, smile back at him with a warm sincere smile (not a fake one).

Ask questions about things that are important to him in his life. Don’t interrupt while he is talking.

How can I be romantic to my boyfriend at home?

The temptation to do nothing but sit on your couch and binge Netflix after a long workday is strong. But indulging in lazy evenings can make it harder to muster up the energy for anything else—like romance.

We asked women who know their way around a love life (they’re dating experts, remember?) how they keep things hot at home. Here are their tried-and-true tips.

Conclusion : (Cute things to do with your boyfriend at home)

When you’re busy, finding time to see your boyfriend and finding some cute things to do with your boyfriend at home can be tough. You might feel like everything you do has to include a hefty amount of entertainment and effort, but we promise it doesn’t have to be that way.

Cute things to do with your boyfriend at home are simple and easy, If you’re trying to get some time with your boyfriend in but don’t want to spend all your free time doing so, take advantage of your at-home activities.

A little prep and simple planning are all it takes! Whether you want to try something new or relax with an old favorite, there are easy things to do with your boyfriend at home that is definitely better than going out – and they can also save you money!

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