How To Make Your Man Feel Loved And Appreciated


How to make a man feel appreciated?  If you want To make your man feel loved and appreciated, do this :

  • Regularly expressing your love, 
  • spending quality time with him, 
  • Paying attention to what he has to say, 
  • giving him physical affection, 
  • And expressing gratitude for his acts and presence in your life are all key ways to make your man feel loved and appreciated. 
  • You must learn his preferences and communicate well for your relationship to grow.

This post will offer helpful advice on increasing his sense of appreciation and love. Let’s drive in. 

What makes a man feel appreciated

How To Make Your Man Feel Loved And Appreciated

Easy Way To Make Your Man Feel Loved And Appreciated

1. Identify his Primary Love Language

Use The 5 love languages to strengthen your relationships and make him feel special.

2. Romantic Relationship

how to make a man feel appreciated

Romantic relationships are great ways to make a man feel special.

When you date, you share many things, like going on dates, watching movies, having dinner, etc. These activities are fun and exciting for most people. However, if you get bored with these things, you should try other ways to make him happy.

There are different romantic gestures that you can use To Make Your Man Feel Loved And Appreciated, like:

  • taking him out for a nice dinner,
  • buying him flowers,
  • buying his favorite candy,
  • sending him text messages,
  • making his favorite dessert,
  • giving him a glass of water,
  • opening a bottle of wine and drinking it together,
  • Go on a bike ride together
  • Buy him a new pair of shoes or clothes
  • Email him, telling him what you think about him.
  • write a poem for him,
  • Give him a massage,
  • Spend time with him, talking about his feelings,
  • play a game with him,
  • Read books to each other,
  • Watch a romantic movie together,
  • Do something adventurous together,
  • Play sex game
  • Make him breakfast in bed.
  • cook him dinner.

3. Spend Quality Time Together

what makes a man feel appreciated

Spending quality time together is one of the best ways to make a man fall in love with you again.

4. Make Him Feel Special By Performing Small Acts of Kindness

We all need to be kind to others daily. We must treat everyone with dignity and kindness.

Kind acts include smiling at him and assisting him with their groceries or bags. Being kind to him shows that you have a good heart and care about him.

They also make you appear friendly and approachable to him.

  • So be Joyful And Smile. He is the most significant person in your life. If he is happy, you will be as well.
  • So remember to smile at him every day, try to laugh with him when you’re around him. You can accomplish this by saying amusing things or cracking jokes.
  • Also, if you see him depressed, try to cheer him up and say something nice.

5. Show Appreciation for His Efforts

Appreciating your partner is another way to make him feel special and loved.

You don’t have to do anything fancy; express your gratitude for everything he does for you. He’ll appreciate it more if you tell him what you’re thankful for.

6. Pay attention to him

Listening to your partner is another effective way to make him feel loved and appreciated, says a sex therapist.

Listening to your partner is the best way to know what he wants from you. To listen to him, you need to pay attention to his words.

7. Never Allow Him to Go Hungry

Men love food! They prefer to eat it when they are hungry.

  • You can prepare something delicious for him to eat.
  • You could also make him some snacks or drinks.

So don’t forget about his stomach.

7. Be Yourself

You may not realize it, but men value women with distinct personalities. They want to see women who are self-assured and at ease with themselves. This means you should always keep yourself the same to make him like you more.

Don’t act like someone else. Don’t pretend to be more mature than you are. You must always be true to yourself. We all indeed wish we could change our personalities, but it’s important to remember that you must always be yourself.

8. Compliment him

Compliments are practical tools for making a man feel loved

A simple compliment suffices to establish an emotional connection between you.

You can compliment your partner by saying something like:

  • “You look beautiful today,


  • “I am so proud of you.”

Compliments help you get close to your partner. It will help you develop a good relationship with your partner.

When you compliment him, make sure you mean it. Then, it would be best to compliment him, expecting nothing in return.

You shouldn’t even expect him to respond. Just compliment him sincerely, and he’ll probably appreciate it.

  • Appreciate his work ethic.
  • Appreciate his parenting style.
  • Appreciate his ability to manage.
  • Appreciate his strength.
  • Compliment him on his appearance.
  • Compliment him on his personality:
  • Compliment him on his intelligence and on anything that he does well.

10. Give him space

Giving him space means giving him room to breathe. Allowing your guy to do whatever he wants is essential because men need freedom.

Guys need to express themselves freely. If you take away his freedom, he won’t be able to live up to his potential. So, constantly give your guy space. And remember, men hate being controlled, so don’t force them into situations he doesn’t want to be.

For example, if he enjoys watching football games but you don’t, staying home is better than watching football with him. Or if he loves going to the movies but you don’t, staying home is much better than going to the cinema with him.

How to make your boyfriend feel loved and appreciated (more tips for you )

11. Be truthful with Him.

Honesty is an essential part of every relationship. Honesty helps you communicate well with your partner. Being honest with your partner is one of his favorite things.

He likes to see your positive side, and he loves to hear your negative side as well. By being honest with your partner, you are making him feel special.

When you are honest with your partner, you tell him you trust and let him know you respect him. This makes him feel more confident, but don’t lie to your partner. Lying comes across as fake. And it hurts your relationship.

12. Don’t Take His Side In Arguments

While disagreements are unavoidable in any relationship, arguing over small matters is not worth it.

Keep in mind that men are emotional creatures. They do have feelings. How you argue with him easily harms him.

Therefore, avoid taking his side in disagreements if you wish to keep him around. Do not win an argument solely based on your anger. If you desire to win, employ logic and reason rather than anger.

13. Act as if your partner is the most important person in the world

Another way to make your partner feel special is by treating him like he is the most important person in the world.

When he feels this way, he will be more likely to show you love, be more open to listening to you, and be more willing to help you out. Always try to put him first and give him full attention.

14. Let him know you want to spend time with him alone

Letting your partner know you want to spend some quality time together alone is another way to make a man fall head over heels for you.

When you do this, your partner will feel valued, and he will feel more attracted to you. He will start thinking about you all day long.

Tell him how much you love him. Make sure you tell him often.

15. Support him

Your boyfriend needs to know that you are there for him. He needs to know that you have faith in him.

You can help him by being there for him when he is going through a difficult time.

You can also do this by showing interest in what he does, such as by asking him questions about his job or conversing with him about his hobbies.

This shows that you care about him and are curious about who he is. Make him chuckle. Laughter spreads like wildfire. People become closer because of it.

16. Look your best

Do you want to impress your husband with your appearance? If so, attempt to look your best for him.

It would help if you were well-groomed and dressed appropriately for the occasion. For example, if you are going out on a date or attending a party, you should wear something that makes you feel confident and beautiful.

Dress in clothes that fit properly and flatter your body type. Also, avoid wearing clothing that is too revealing or shows off too much skin. You don’t always have to be modest, but you must be careful about what you wear around your partner.

Make sure you exude confidence and beauty. Try not to overdo things by wearing makeup or accessories that draw attention away from your face. Instead, focus on enhancing your natural features.

17. Gifts are always welcome

Giving gifts to your partner is one of the easiest ways to make him feel loved and appreciated.

When you buy gifts for your partner, you show your care for him. Also, when you gift your partner, you tell him you love and appreciate his effort.

But remember to do it sparingly. You don’t want to appear as if you’re trying too hard. So, choose only those gifts that mean something to you.

Gift Ideas To Make Your Man Feel Loved And Appreciated

  • Give him a perfume (make sure it’s the same one he’s wearing).
  • Give him a nice, trendy tie made of a delicate fabric.
  • A high-quality key ring
  • He will adore warm winter pajamas.
  • Stylish sunglasses from a well-known brand.
  • Flowers – They last longer than other plants.
  • Chocolate – He will enjoy it.
  • Wine – It’s a great way to show you care.
  • Candy – Sweet treats always taste better.
  • Music – He’ll appreciate hearing music he likes.
  • Tickets – Show him where you’d like to take him.
  • Jewelry – He’ll treasure
  • Buy a thoughtful card.
  • Create a romantic playlist for when they come home from work or to make them feel loved and appreciated.
  • Shoes – He’ll love wearing them.

How does a man feel loved in a relationship?

A man feels loved when he gets affection, compliments, and attention. When he feels adored, he shows it through physical contact, pleasant words, and meaningful time spent together. Additionally, important are emotional connection, support, and trust. When you listen to and respect his wants, he feels loved and comfortable in the relationship.


Making your man feel valuable is all about having healthy relationships, spending quality time with him, romantic relationships, physical touch, physical affection, resolving relationship issues, couple activity, simple love gestures, having romantic ideas, thinking about him from time to time, undivided attention, displays of affection, knowing his primary love languages, romantic gestures, sexual attractions, make time for him always, a simple compliment is also important to make him feel loved and appreciated, and pay attention to your physical appearance.

Following the tips above can win his affection and make him feel special in a relationship.

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