How to Start a Conversation With a Guy: 17 Super Tips

how to start a conversation with a guy

How to start a conversation with a guy? For most women, the first step to starting a conversation with any man is nervousness and shyness. However, it doesn’t have to be that way! There are plenty of ways to break the ice and make sure your conversation gets off on the right foot, whether you’re in school, at work, or just on the bus. This guide on how to start a conversation with a guy will help you get his attention right away and keep it until he asks you out on your first date!

This blog post will give you all the information you need to start a conversation with a guy.

How to start a conversation with a guy

Are you comfortable around guys? Do you know how to start a conversation with a guy? If not, this quick guide on how to start a conversation with a guy will help you learn how to get his attention and interest so that he asks you out on a date!

Here are 10 ideas to get you started :

1) One-sentence icebreakers

How to start a conversation with a guy? You don’t have to be the life of the party to start a conversation with a guy. Just approach him and say hi. Then, give him a compliment or ask him a question about something he’s interested in.

If he seems shy, you can break the ice by talking about something that’s going on around you, like the music or the weather. Once you get started, it’ll be easy to keep the conversation going.

2) Focus on commonalities

When you’re trying to figure out how to start the conversation with a guy, the best thing to do is focus on commonalities. If you have something in common with him, it will be easier to get his attention and keep the conversation going. Plus, he’ll be more likely to be interested in you if you have things in common.

3) Ask questions

When you’re trying to start a conversation with a guy, it’s important to ask questions that will get him talking.

Asking questions about his interests, hobbies, or favorite things will get him talking and help you get to know him better. Plus, people love talking about themselves, so he’ll be more likely to keep the conversation going if you ask him questions.

4) Share stories about your day

It’s always nice to start off by sharing stories about your day. This helps you get to know each other better and makes for great conversation starters. Plus, it shows that you’re interested in getting to know him better. Here are 10 ways to start a conversation with a guy

5) Tell jokes

How to start a conversation with a guy? Jokes are always a great way to start a conversation! They help break the ice and show that you’re interested in getting to know the other person. Plus, who doesn’t love a good laugh?

6) Compliment him

One way to start a conversation with a guy is to give him a compliment. If you see something you like about him, let him know. This will help get his attention and could lead to a conversation. Just be sure that your compliment is genuine and specific. For example, instead of saying you’re hot, try I love your sense of style.

7) Use your body language correctly

When you want to start a conversation with a guy, you need to use the right body language. First, make sure you have eye contact. Then, give him a smile. If he smiles back, that’s your cue to approach him. Once you’re close enough, extend your hand and say hello. Be sure to keep your body language open and friendly throughout the conversation.

8) Smile and make eye contact

First impressions are key, so make sure you smile and make eye contact when you see the guy you’re interested in. This sends the signal that you’re friendly and approachable. To take it a step further, try initiating a conversation by asking him a question or making a comment about his surroundings.

If he’s reading a book, you could ask him what he thinks of it. Or if you’re both at a party, you could ask him how he knows the host. By starting the conversation, you’ll not only make yourself more memorable to him, but you’ll also get the chance to learn more about him and potentially create a connection.

9) Know when to leave

It can be difficult to know when to leave a conversation. You don’t want to seem rude, but you also don’t want to overstay your welcome. A good rule of thumb is to wait for a lull in the conversation before excusing yourself. If the other person looks like they’re ready to move on, take your cue and say goodbye.

10) Be confident

The first step is mustering up the courage to actually approach him. You can do this by exuding confidence—stand tall, make eye contact, and smile. Once you’re in front of him, it’s time to start the conversation.

The key here is to be playful—tease him, make a joke, or ask an interesting question. If you can get him laughing, you’re in good shape. But don’t overdo it—you don’t want to come across as try-hard or desperate. Just be yourself and let the conversation flow naturally.

11) Show him you like him

The best way to show someone you like them is by being confident and making eye contact. However, sometimes people get nervous when they try to talk to someone they like.

How to start the conversation with a guy (More tips for you)

12) Compliment his friends

How to start a conversation with a guy? Complimenting his friends is a great way to start a conversation with a guy. It shows that you’re interested in him and his life, and it’s a great icebreaker. Plus, it’ll make him feel good about himself and his friends, which can be the ultimate pick-me-up.

In addition, when complimenting his friends, don’t forget to mention something specific that they do well or enjoy doing. For example, I love how your friend always finds humor in any situation. It shows that you are paying attention to their group dynamic and personalities – which will please him immensely!

13) Have fun

The best way to start a conversation with a guy is to have fun. When you’re having fun, you’re more likely to be yourself and less likely to be concerned about what he thinks of you. So go out with your friends, try new things, and let your personality shine. You’ll be sure to catch his attention in no time.

14) Use funny jokes and stories

If you want to start a conversation with a guy, the best way to do it is to be funny. Guys love girls who can make them laugh, so if you can tell a joke or two, you’ll get his attention. But don’t overdo it – telling too many jokes can make you seem like you’re trying too hard. Just be yourself and let your sense of humor shine through.

15) Encourage Him to open up to you

One way to get a guy to open up to you is by encouraging him to do so. This can be done by asking him questions about himself, complimenting him, or simply being interested in what he has to say. You should also make sure that you are open and receptive to what he has to say, as this will encourage him to continue talking to you.

Finally, try not to dominate the conversation, as this will make it more difficult for him to feel comfortable opening up to you.

16) Gather intel about him

First, take some time to get to know him. What kind of things is he interested in? What are his hobbies? Once you have a sense of what he likes, you’ll be able to find common ground and start a conversation more easily.

17) You are enough!

The first step is accepting yourself for who you are. You are enough, just as you are. You don’t need to put on a show or be someone you’re not. Just be yourself and the right guy will appreciate you for it.


So there you have it, ten ways to start a conversation with a guy. Just remember to be confident, smile, and keep the conversation light. And if all else fails, ask him about his favorite sports team. Guys love to talk about sports! Trust me; I know. After all, I am one of them.

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